Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de telephone

to telephonetelefonear

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I telephoneyo telefoneo
you telephonetú telefoneas
he telephonesél telefonea
she telephonesella telefonea
we telephonenosotros telefoneamos
you telephonevosotros telefoneáis
they telephoneellos telefonean
they telephoneellas telefonean

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I telephonedyo telefoneé
you telephonedtú telefoneaste
he telephonedél telefoneó
she telephonedella telefoneó
we telephonednosotros telefoneamos
you telephonedvosotros telefoneasteis
they telephonedellos telefonearon
they telephonedellas telefonearon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have telephonedyo he telefoneado
you have telephonedtú has telefoneado
he has telephonedél ha telefoneado
she has telephonedella ha telefoneado
we have telephonednosotros hemos telefoneado
you have telephonedvosotros habéis telefoneado
they have telephonedellos han telefoneado
they have telephonedellas han telefoneado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had telephonedyo había telefoneado
you had telephonedtú habías telefoneado
he had telephonedél había telefoneado
she had telephonedella había telefoneado
we had telephonednosotros habíamos telefoneado
you had telephonedvosotros habíais telefoneado
they had telephonedellos habían telefoneado
they had telephonedellas habían telefoneado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will telephoneyo telefonearé
you will telephonetú telefonearás
he will telephoneél telefoneará
she will telephoneella telefoneará
we will telephonenosotros telefonearemos
you will telephonevosotros telefonearéis
they will telephoneellos telefonearán
they will telephoneellas telefonearán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have telephonedyo habré telefoneado
you will have telephonedtú habrás telefoneado
he will have telephonedél habrá telefoneado
she will have telephonedella habrá telefoneado
we will have telephonednosotros habremos telefoneado
you will have telephonedvosotros habréis telefoneado
they will have telephonedellos habrán telefoneado
they will have telephonedellas habrán telefoneado

I would telephoneyo telefonearía
you would telephonetú telefonearías
he would telephoneél telefonearía
she would telephoneella telefonearía
we would telephonenosotros telefonearíamos
you would telephonevosotros telefonearíais
they would telephoneellos telefonearían
they would telephoneellas telefonearían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have telephonedyo habría telefoneado
you would have telephonedtú habrías telefoneado
he would have telephonedél habría telefoneado
she would have telephonedella habría telefoneado
we would have telephonednosotros habríamos telefoneado
you would have telephonedvosotros habríais telefoneado
they would have telephonedellos habrían telefoneado
they would have telephonedellas habrían telefoneado

Participio presenteAnotado
telephoning telefoneando

Participio pasadoAnotado
telephoned telefoneado

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